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Month: May 2024

Dynamic effects of black soldier fly larvae meal on the cecal bacterial microbiota and prevalence of selected antimicrobial resistant determinants in broiler chickens

Calvin Ho-Fung Lau, Sabrina Capitani, Yuan-Ching Tien, Lou Ann Verellen, Munene Kithama, Hellen Kang, Elijah G Kiarie, Edward Topp, Moussa S Diarra, Michael Fruci

Read more about "Dynamic effects of black soldier fly larvae meal on the cecal bacterial microbiota and prevalence of selected antimicrobial resistant determinants in broiler chickens"

Whole dried black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae are acceptable, palatable, and do not negatively affect health when fed to healthy, adult horses at low inclusion rates

Authors: Scarlett Burron, Claire Dulude, T Connor McCorkell, Priska Stahel Darani, Scott Cieslar, Trevor DeVries, Joanna Estey, Elizabeth Koutsos, Daniel Adams, Breanna Modica, Anna K Shoveller

Read more about "Whole dried black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae are acceptable, palatable, and do not negatively affect health when fed to healthy, adult horses at low inclusion rates"

Phenylalanine requirements using the direct amino acid oxidation technique, and the effects of dietary phenylalanine on food intake, gastric emptying, and macronutrient metabolism in adult cats